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Brightjacks Shortiejacks

Home of the Original Short Ones


Breeding with Rhyme and Reason'

No words can express the Love and Joy that our Shortie's have brought into ours lives and so many wonderful Shortiejacks families lives. I love hearing how our babies are doing. I welcome you to share pictures, updates, your experience and personal visit with Brightjacks Shortiejacks. This page is always under construction additional testimonials and pictures posted as soon as possible.

t has been very busy the last few years. Unfortunately due to  an email issue. I lost many of the testimonials.

I would love to hear from the many families that have provided such wonderful homes for my Shorties.


Please feel free to send updates and current pictures. We would love to hear from you.   Thank you, Gertie


"Gertie! Dylan, Scott and I just had to tell you how in love we are with our puppies! They are adorable, and everyone keeps asking us where we got them!  In fact, Dylan and Scott went on a fishing trip to Miami and their guide also claims to have purchased two puppies from you and he said they were from the same litters! Can you believe? You were exactly right in their temperament and they fit like a glove! I cannot believe we never had these dogs before. We are so very very happy and grateful to you and your amazing breeding kennel! Also, Our vet was blown away by all of your paper work and said you have an excellent operation and that is very high praise indeed! Thank you again for everything! Target and Bandit (Dickens) send their love as well!"

Kelly, Scott and Dylan Lavis

"Gonzo and Gertie, Just wanted to thank you for allowing Patti and myself the privilege of visiting your home and kennels today. Being a long time Jack Russell owner I was blown away with the fantastic facilities you have. And your dogs are without question the best I have ever witnessed. For you to have that many Jacks and every single one got along so well it was overwhelming. So glad we were patience for the last 2 yrs waiting on a puppy I know I will extremely happy with the dog I bought today. I was so impressed with your facility and how clean and well kept it was you have definitely the best in the business. Thanks for selling me the puppy this morning cant wait to get her on March 21st. I will try my best not to come up and see her more than at least once a week. Patti couldn't be happier and neither could I. You are defiantly a 1st class operation and you can tell that your heart is in it for the right reason. Your breeding and hand picking who breeds who has worked out very well with some beautiful mild tempered Jacks I have ever seen. Thanks again"

Capt. Steve Sewell

"Good morning Gertie, Hope this message finds you well with lots of happy fur kids. Just wanted tosend a few pic of the girls and let you know  they are living the life, both are completely spoiled rotten. They have both grown so fast. They are both very smart however Bella got the common sense and Zoey is (say)  book smart LOL so together there isn't much they can't figure out or destroy!!! They love the water and playing outside but are equally just as happy curled up on the couch in  living room with the rest of our pack. We truly enjoy them they even travel with us an the rest of  the gang. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks again.


Dear Gertie and Gonzo - All is going great with Dash (Gulliver). He moved right in. Fenmore is still in the warming up phase. At first Fenmore didn’t want to look at Dash, but now he will a little bit (except in the picture from when we first got home). Fenmore growls at him if Dash gets too close or bothers him, but Dash seems to be getting the idea that he shouldn’t fool with big Fenmore. Even when Dot was a baby, Fenmore would avoid her by getting onto high places where she couldn’t jump and bug him, but now they are the best of friends. Dot and Dash are playing a lot. She will bring him her toys and  start the games. Dash sleeps very nicely in his spa (kennel), has a great appetite and of course is cute as a button.  Of course those teeth sure are sharp!  Thank you again and I will keep you updated!  

Vicki and Chris

Hello Gertie,
We made it home in great shape. Rosie sat with Alyce for a little bit, then enjoyed the comfort of our friends in the back  seat. I have been diligent about taking her out approximately every two hours, specially after she sleeps. She has had no accidents as of yet. She seems to like to cuddle with Alyce. That is the whole idea. You were right. Given our circumstances, she was the best choice. I will send you some photos in a couple of week when she hopefully is a little bigger. She slept most of the night in her crate. Woke up, started to cry, went out and I put her next to Alyce in her bed. There she slept all cuddled up for 4 hours. Now, she is running all over the house.I just love her and cannot thank you enough for all your sensitivity and thoughtfulness.

I will certainly keep in touch. Joyce

Hello Gertie,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on "the little man" who we renamed Hudson.  He is doing great, a determined  little guy who is very smart and super affectionate; we could not be more pleased with him. Attached are a few pictures  of him settling into his new environment. Thanks again for everything, Seth Jameson Hi, Just wanted to drop you an e-mail to let you know that Fred (formerly Gerye)has really adjusted well. He has picked up housebreaking quickly and has learned how to sit, lay and we’re working on stay. A lot of times we call him Freddie Chompers because he really like to nip but I’m trying to break him of that but I know his teeth really hurt. He has a lot of chew toys and mainly chomps on those but does love to try and grab your pant legs and hands (but we discourage that). He loves the car and we bought him a doggie car seat which he loves because it sits up high enough for him to see out the window. He’s doing very well with his socialization and loves other dogs. He just discovered he has a voice and now is protective in letting us know if someone is near the house. His coat is coming in a BEAUTIFUL broken coat. He’s a little prickly around the face and the brokenness is quite evenly distributed throughout the body. We’ll try and send a picture when he turns 4 months so you can see how cute he’s turning out. What a joy he’s been, and everyone who meets him comments on how handsome he is. Thanks for entrusting him to us. Sincerely, Charlotte Osborne and Kurt Hartman

Just a note to let you know that Buster Brown is doing fine. He goes to work with me and is doing well on potty training. Tessie is thrilled when we come home so they can romp and play. The vet said he was healthy. Thank you for letting me have this sweet little guy. Irene

Dear Gertie, Hello from Hobe Sound! My husband (yes, the guy who did NOT want a dog) just sent me a pic of one of your new pups! The website is looking better than ever! So many great photos. Not a day goes by that I don't thank you and your husband for all you do! Jack (Delilah) and Teddy (Lariat) are the center of our life. They give us endless hours of enjoyment, happiness and sense of family. Thank goodness we did NOT listen to those that told us Jack Russell's were horrible! Jack and Teddy merely ask for play, a run, nourishment and lots of love which we gladly provide. They go everywhere with us and we seek out pet friendly hotels (Candlewood Suites) in our numerous travels. Here at home,whether it be here in Florida or on Cape Cod, we go to the beach, parks and trails.
Rest assured they bark at every dog they see and any intruder. I am safe at all times! Despite our best intentions, they DO sleep in the bed with us and have the
run of the house. The furniture is now shed proof. We even put a bench in the bedroom in FL as the bed was too high for an EASY jump! They are so loving,
smart beyond belief and fun! Jackie loves her pool and Teddy is an avid lizard hunter. I could go on and on about their individual personalities. Jack is ever in charge and Teddy the perpetual puppy! I cannot begin to thank you for all you put in to these pups or the many others. I simply know your efforts have brought great joy to our lives and because of that we have a completeness to our family. May God bless you and yours in all you do. Thank you Gertie, from just ONE
of your happy families! Love, Jack, Teddy, Dan and Elizabeth Hobe Sound FL/ Wellfleet MA

Lucy turned 1 on Sunday. She is still quite petite -less than 10lbs. However, with her energy level and the fact that she likes to pounce on us, it is a blessing. She remains quite the character. I wish I had just a fraction of her core strength and muscle tone She and Arnie have reached an understanding, however he still occasionally falls victim to her playfulness which results in a full scale "dog fight". when he actually tries to defend himself. It is getting better, we can all nownap peacefully together. She can actually be very sweet and cuddly when she wants to. Gertie - she tells us that she wants to go outside by licking our faces then putting her mouth around our wrists. She doesn't give us much warning but she does try to let us know. And, she continues to eat like a horse. She is very motivated by food. She is also very protective. Her little Alpha personality is sometimes an issue when we are walking. We are seeing some improvement each day. I thought that you would all like to see how she has matured. Her black spots are almost all tan now just the one on her back remains. She certainly looks like her daddy Chewie. Take care, Kathy

Dear Gertie ~ Tim & I extend best wishes from us & the girls for a blessed new year! Lucy & Ethel (formerly Carly & Candy from Boomer & Cyndee) are definitely living up to their names!   They are funny, playful and above all loving! Lucy on the left, talks...ALOT!  She's the thinker ~ the schemer. She likes to sleep close by ~ yet on her own, in an old antique bread carrier @ the end of our bed.  She is also known as "The Goose" or when particularly cranky... Lucifer...joking of course. Ethel on the far right, never begs for food, has patience, and in the seldom occasion that she barks, it's low and "full bodied" ~ just like her :-). She also has earned the nickname Snuggle Bunny as in the morning in bed she takes her paws and wraps them around your neck gently, puts her head on your chest and deeps sighs ~ hoping for more time in bed. Our 14 yr old Jack, Miss Pearl (middle) is on the receiving end of a lot of grooming and snuggling. The girls have definitely revived her! Thank you for our family additions ~ just when you thought your heart couldn't be any fuller ~ they come into your life and make you burst from the seams with love. All our love ~Cherie, Tim, Miss Pearl, Lucy & Ethel

Dear Mama Gertie and Papa Gonzo, This is the strangest place I am now living. Last night something cold and white fell down when I was outside. This happened before. It is very cold and I have a red sweater that my new mama put on me so I won't shake.   When it is on the ground it is cold and fun to dig in and bury my nose. My new mama says it is called snow. I like to hunt for walnuts. Today this snow was higher than me and Mama Jeanne used this strange thing with a another thing with handle that she says is called a broom. I like to pull broom pieces out of the bottom. Mama Jeanne says that soon we will be going where it is warmer. She bought me a raincoat to keep me dry in the rain. It looks pretty on me.

Give my love to my real mama and papa - Gracie and Chewie.  Tell them I am trying to be a good daughter, but it is hard because I like to chew Mama Jeanne's toes and my little teeth are sharp. She makes a strange sound like ouch, with licks. Gessica

Dear Gertie, We have welcomed a delightful puppy into our family. Judye has been renamed Sadye. She has survived the nor'easter jumping through the snow and eating it. When a ball or toy is thrown she retrieves it . The funny thing is she jumps at the end of the rug to get her item that has gone on the hard wood floor. Christmas Eve she met my sister's three dogs. The labs were very accepting of her and one took a very protective stance with her. There was a terrific bond formed between Sadye and this one dog. They will definitely have more play dates. Our grandchildren ages one and above enjoyed meeting her. At night she sleeps seven hours in her crate. She awakes with a rattle to her door indicating she wants to go out. Mornings she is dry and does her business outside. During the day she has occasional accidents but does manage to do her business outside. With these high winds and blowing snow it's difficult to demand training. She is a bundle of love and joy. Best wishes to you in the New Year. Louise & Richard Flak

Hi Gertie,   Happy Holidays. Just wanted to let you know how Riley ( Bourbon) is doing. He is the sweetest, smartest and funniest puppy ever!! He comes everywhere with us and it terrific in all settings. He is the star of the boy's school and is the most well behaved boy at the soccer games!! Thank you for bringing him into our life. We LOVE him. Lisa Steiner

Gertie: Thought you might enjoy this little card. My Jacilyn who we adopted 3 yrs. ago is doing wonderful. She sure doesn't like this cold weather. Comes to me for her shirt to be put on. Or is always under a blanket!!!!! Her brother Jack & her are best friends.... He is 12 now & getting slow, but she keeps him on his toes!!!!!! You & Gonzo have a very Merry Christmas & a New Year that brings you good luck. Keep doing all you do for those Jacks, the best dogs in the world Season's best. Sissy Brown Merry Christmas!!!  

Dear Gertie, Wishing you the happiest of holidays.  I included a picture of my girls (Maile and Pirate) and their big brother (Major).  Took it will be next years Christmas card with "While visions of sugar plums danced in their wee little heads" next to the picture.  They are doing great and continue to make my day and never fail to put a smile on my face. I am so thankful I found you and your beautiful babies! Your dedication and love for these Shortie Jacks just fills so many people with warm fuzzies and one by one these little guys are true emissaries of love, spreading it wherever they end up. God Bless you and all you've done not only for us but all the families you have touched. I wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year. I can't wish you any move love than you already have with all your little guys!  Sincerely, Judy Stapleton Women are like angels....And when someone breaks our wings..... We simply continue to fly.....on a broomstick We are flexible like that.

Hi Gertie, just thought i would drop you a line and let you know how Boogye aka Ranger is doing. He is just the cutest baby and we all have fallin in love with him. His personality is really starting to come out and he is a very funny little guy. He loves going to Home Depot with Mike and of course everyone falls all over him. We took him to his first FSU tailgate and he was definitely a hit! Don't worry I didn't let him near the beer! ha ha Anyway just wanted to update you on his status. Our vet continues to tell us what a great little guy we got! But we already knew that. Thank you so much for breeding such a wonderful companion Have a nice weekend. Mickey Underwood

Brightjacks is a wonderful source for "Shortie Jack Russells"  The puppies are well cared for. Unlike some kennels, there is no urine or puppy odors - it is very clean. The puppies are well adjusted. Gertie keeps excellent detailed individual records.  Extra attention is given to each Jack. Their kennel and breeding are definitely superior. I would definitely recommend them. Gessica is now getting used to the cold weather here in Pennsylvania.  Jeanne Asplundh

My friend, Jeanne and I spent a wonderful two hours with Gertie and her family. These people know their Jacks and I have never seen such a clean and organized facility. The puppies were all wonderful.   I had a hard time criticizing confirmation, color and character. Thank you for a terrific experience. Jonnie Outstanding experience!! Could not be happier with the whole process from beginning to end. Gertie was awesome to work with and her passion for her Jack's is unparalleled! I strongly recommend any one interested in buying a jack look no further than here! Mike Yontz I researched and looked at shorties for approx year before I purchased my shortie with confidence from Brightjacks. I am very pleased with my choice!  Donna Berry

Thank you Gertie for allowing us to visit your home and share your love of the Brightjacks. I am impressed with the your attention and organization in raising these puppies. Each mom and her liter seem so happy and content with the attention they receive. I am amazed how everyone puppy, from the youngest puppy
o your adults are clean, happy and have a zest for life. Your commitment to the quality and perfection is validated by meeting you and seeing your place and the puppies. How do you do it? Excited to bring my new addition home!! Denise

Hi Gertie! and that you bred your shorties for these great characters (not to mention the adorable looks they have!). Wherever Porter goes he gets attention for being so cute and sweet, people have even told me that well, little he mannered shorty Jack!  People are drives almost amazed every they with me back are  and interested forth from Miami to in at Tampa and even flies (under the seat in front of me) from Miami to New when he wore his doggy-Saints jersey for the Superbowl and Porter (the Saints player) intercepted and got a touchdown! (ok so maybe Porter the dog didn't do that :)  ). I bring Porter to the dog parks where
he loves to play with the bigger dogs, he loves to be chased around the park and he always wears out every other dog, but I have noticed that he loves to play with other Jack Russells the most! He does have some special "quirks" too, when he gets really Jack excited he Russells wiggles "calm" he is and how his butt from side the well-families bred Porter is. Jack that side He is told me   tune" because of requires hours with humans who to are in not "pain," my father suffered a seizure around Christmas him to become a therapy dog as a result of witnessing this behavior. I just yet, we agreed that when we can, we definitely want to get another shorty from you!  Thanks again Gertie for breeding/raising such fine shorties!  Andrea Collett and David Petersen
I thought I would send you an update on little Lucy. She is doing beautifully- smart, funny, very busy and quite the celebrity. I have given so many horse shows require a huge amount of walking; for Lucy the distances must be 10 times that of a human. We have built a puppy pen outside the barn for Lucy, a Boston Terrier puppy, and some cute little Japanese puppy. She uses it as it is supposed to be used. She is in and out of the pool all the time!! Thanks always for my dear little friend. She and Jasper have become quite attached to one another if she doesn't nibble on him to much. Fondly Janie

Dear Gertie,
The last several weeks have been such a lot of fun, largely due to dear little Lucy. With the exception of perhaps two hours, we have been within several   non-another. She stop with Jasper & Baby. Lucy loves going to the bar, stores, her puppy  the classes, out for barn, the walks, and horses and, especially, manure treats. She has just learned "Leave It" thank goodness! She loves everyone, and everyone loves her. I am so VERY lucky to have her in our lives. I truly think she is the smartest dog I have ever had. She is taught something once and then she usually has it. Her house training is going as well as I get her outside. None of her few accidents are hers, but mine entirely. Oh & she"s already been to a restaurant snuck in a large handbag. She just sat in my lap the whole time fast asleep. Lucy adores me and never ventures too far away from me - I seem to be the center of her life and I so love that.. Her uber-cute look is when she wants something and she sits up on her hind legs begging, cocking her head from one side to another. I will send you some new photos, but right now she is asleep and you know what they say about sleepings dogs.Thank you so very much for this little slice of heaven. Nothing could be better for me right now. Janie

Hi Gertie!
Just wanted to let you know how Drifter is doing. He is a great puppy, thanks so much for helping me find him. I just adore him. He is turning into a great little farm dog and has already been to two horse shows. I'm really happy with his temperament and attitude towards life. I'm really enjoying him and I think he is very happy too!  Ashley

Hi Gertie,
I wanted to send you a quick letter to give you an update on Dolly and Chester. They are doing wonderfully I've enclosed a picture for you to see how much they've grown. I will never be able to thank you enough for these two outstanding pups. They have the most incredible dispositions I have ever seen! I love my other Jacks, but Dolly and Chester have such a calmer temperament, and they were the easiest to train. I am forever grateful to you! I will keep you posted on

their progress. Thanks again for blessing our family with this wonderful addition!  It certainly shows what an outstanding breeder you truly are.
Sincerely, Wiehler Family

UPDATE: Shooter in his Delta Soc.Therapy dog vest. He has just started agility classes which he loves! Happy October, Averil I do volunteer work at our local animal shelter,so  the fact  that we bought a dog meant that it had to be a very special dog and an even more special breeder. We have 3 grandchildren under the age of 5, we travel allot, we have loads of parties, so we wanted a sociable , portable dogs who loved children. Well Shooter has exceeded expectations. He LOVES the grandchildren. He thinks that we give parties just for him. Unlike my other Jacks, he does not find it necessary to try to drive the car and also calmly flies to CA every year. This year he took training to be a Delta Soc Therapy dog. Unlike some of the other dogs, wheelchairs, crutches and screaming people did not bother him at all. He sometimes had a little trouble with "Sit, Stay" but he is a Terrier after all. He is now taking agility classes which he loves. When he was younger, he raised $750 for our local cancer center and was named Best Dog in the World. He is so cute that a neighbor has started calling him Brad Pitt. At least two friends have gotten Brightjack puppies after meeting him . Thank you, thank you,thank you for suggesting this dog for us. Averil and Tyler Smith

Gertie, Our new puppy has totally stolen our hearts. She is the cutest dog and has the best personality. So good with grandchildren and babies, and adults alike. She is a comedian and we love her so much. Thanks Brenda and Dan Roberts

Gertie, Logan and I just wanted to let you know how much we love Shayne and what a great puppy he is! He is already a huge part of our family! Logan told me the other day he feels like he has known him his whole! They are so sweet together! Thank you for such a wonderful puppy! Tammy & Logan

Gertie, is the best! We bought two pups last fall after a tragic snake bite death to one of our other jacks....these two are the most amazing of all our 5 jacks! Beautiful, smart, with personality galore. And, after buying before from a NJ breeder, I found Gertie to be the most professional, thorough and honest breeder around. She loves her dogs and it shows in them! We will always buy our pups from Gertie from now on. You may not remember me, but myself and my now ex husband "adopted" two amazing puppies from you. Echo, who replaced Madison, is now nearly 4 years old and Holly, my little Christmas baby, is 3 1/2 years old. They are doing splendidly and are going through some training now that I am the sole owner. It's so crazy that they learn so quickly! They're the perfect pets and the most loving animals I've ever seen. Plus, it's great to receive complements every where we go. Nobody can believe that they're Jack Russells because that's supposed to be the crazy dog! For anyone out there considering Gertie and Bright Jacks, have no reservations - you will receive a lifelong friend through her.
They are well-bred and have the most amazing personalities - even though my two are complete opposites of each other, regardless of them sharing the same father! Thank you again for everything. I always recommend you highly. Sincerely, Christin Wheeler (used to be Culmone)

Dealing with Gertie could not have been a nicer experience, both professionally and personally. She has integrity and understanding--and, really knows her dogs! The Brightjacks kennel is clean and happy, and the perfect place for my puppy's life to have begun. I couldn't be more pleased with Gertie with Brighjacks, and with my darling puppy----who even arrived at the airport dressed for Easter. Thanks Gertie for you and for Boogye!

I can't thank you enough for opening up your home of beautiful Shorties to us today. My girls and I were very impressed with your facilities, as well as your love and knowledge of this special breed. I was amazed by their disposition and cute personalities, I was expecting the high strung Jack Russells that I have encountered in the past, but your dogs were so well behaved. They are truly the best of both worlds, intelligent with individual personality, without being
annoying like their rubber band was wound too tight that you see in other Jack Russells.

On another note... for those of you that are nervous about buying a dog over the internet, I can personally assure you that you will not find a better breeder, or facility. These Shortie Jacks are truly raised with love, and have everything they could possibly desire. (It is obvious that all of their dogs are properly spoiled and treated like true family members, which is what I feel leads to their pleasant dispositio)As you can see in the photos, their dogs are beautiful, but unfortunately you can't see the most impressive quality of the Brightjack Shortie and that is their wonderful dispositions. As a future buyer of a Brightjack Shortie, you can take my word that these dogs are loving raised, and excellently cared for, and you can be confident that the dog you purchase will be of the out most quality, and have the personality to steal your heart from day one. Best Regards, Darin Carson and my Three Princesses Abbie, Emmie, and Sunny

It's hopeless! Here I am 3 years after purchasing my two jack russels from Gertie and still visiting her website.   I HIGHLY recommend Brightjacks' to anyone looking for the perfect jack. I love my Bella and Huck more everyday. They are intelligent, loving and more fun than I could ever have imagined. What a wonderful breeder Gertie is; not to mention she is a sweetheart!!    Sincerely Debbie Wallace

I was browsing on top listed and just thought I would drop a line to say how much I like your philosophy. It mirrors my own. I too believe structure is of as much importance as temperament. I compete my dogs in many sport venues and without proper structure for movement, breakdown and training issues can occur because of discomfort in performing a certain task. Thanks so much for looking out for these great dogs! It's nice to know there are others out there like me, with these dogs best interest in mind, not just a dollar amount!   Gina Snow of Swanback Jacks

We can not say enough about our Pup DJ who we purchased from Gertie 8 months ago. He is the best dog. His personality is great and he is on his way in training to become a Pet Therapy Dog. He is lovable and very calm. Hats off to Gertie. We are considering getting another pup from them in the future. DJ deserves a friend! Thanks for breeding such a great dog!  Kevin and Jean Kozel

We purchased a female Brightjack Shortie from Gertie in December 2008. She is now almost 8 months old. Her name is Roxy and we absolutely LOVE her! We were probably the "pickiest" buyers ever and I can honestly tell you we couldn't have made a better choice with breeders. Gertie was wonderful to buy from, answered as many questions as we had, and took as much time over the phone as we needed to make our decision. Our dog is a beauty and her temperament is lovely. She is playful, without being aggressive. Curious, without being trouble. And loving, without being a shadow. We also have a 3-yr old Norwich Terrier and they are the best of friends. Without knowing initially if I wanted a 2nd dog, we definitely made the right choice. Thank you Gertie for all that you do and strive to do. Your efforts are noticed!

Hi Gertie: Just wanted you to see how Jaci-lyn is doing. We LOVE her so much, she is attached to me by the hip ALL THE TIME. She is on my lap as I type this. She loves her brother Jack & has made herself the ""Boss"". She just loves all the Dogs here at Sun=n=Fun Resort. She loves the dog park & riding in the Jack Mobile (golf cart) She sits, gives her paw for a treat. She gets so proud when we let her off the lease & tell her Go Home, she runs to the door & sits. She also kisses her brother. Our Vet says she is the perfect little jack, has never seen one like her. Gertie thank you for letting us adopt her, would love another one, maybe one day. I'll keep in touch & send more holiday pics. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving, Sissy

The whole "Brightjacks"  experience was phenomenal! From the very beginnings in just chatting with Gertie (like talking to a long lost friend) about making my selection, to her encouraging me to "surprise" my hubby with two instead of one, to the arrival and early care of my two little darlings, the experience was magical. My two little girls are beautiful and healthy and get an extreme amount of attention from all who see them. They are the epitome of the perfect Jack. If I had more room I'd get a couple more from Gertie - buying from "Brightjacks" could be addictive. I still look at the website to check out the new little ones. Gertie is a top notch breeder and produces the best "jacks" you can find. Just check out the other websites like I did and you will easily see the difference. Many, many thanks Gertie for making such a difference in my life. I LOVE you!!!!  Sincerely, Judy Stapleton  


Gonzo and Gertie Albright

12105 Glenhill Dr.  Riverview,  FL 33569

(813) 677-8490    •
© 2000 - 2022 by Brightjacks Shortiejacks

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